Production Blog: Last few touches and summary

This is what Tiktok offers for filters. 


   Hi guys, I’m excited to say that our video came out almost exactly like we pictured it. The storyboard really helped our group as we knew exactly what to film and what to do. The groups glad that we all agreed on the mystery film because our other option would’ve been less entertaining. We all individually helped on different parts of the project which pieced together our film. Planning was the most difficult thing as we were so indecisive. The video took 2 days because we decided it would be smart to record two of each scene. We did this to see which scene was better and which one would fit in with the film. It ended up being successful as we picked and didn’t have to film again for the 3rd time. Mia enjoyed filming as she doesn’t really like being in the video due to her major role in the last project film. We rewatched the video just to make sure everything was okay before we began the submitting process. Mia pointed out that the credits weren’t very centered and we could find better filters. Jenna agreed so she went on Cap-cut.  Mia and I started to look on the internet and different apps on the app store to improve the filter. We felt like the filter was just out of place in a way. We ended up finding a lot of different filters from a bunch of apps like Tiktok, the camera roll app, filter apps, etc. After that was done and fixed, we felt like it was finally ready. Mia and Jenna liked how I acted in the video with emotion and causally. Jenna felt like we needed to look over it to see if we had all the camera angles needed for the film and to our surprise, we did. Mia made sure to analyze it and double check just to have another person. We were very proud of ourselves for remembering the camera angles. Now began the submitting process! We were finally satisfied and ready to start embedding the link into the next and final production blog for the Final Task. Bye guys see you later!


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