Production Blog; Getting a start on Final Task but not really

 Hey guys, it’s felt like forever! Now I’m back! We’ve finally made it all the way to the Final Task. My group and I successfully planned scheduling and locations to meet up and film. We wanted to start earlier than the last projects because  the group and I agreed that it needed to be good and had to capture the things we learned in AICE Media. Everything was approved by our parents which meant we had our supervisor for the film due to the use of a knife. Something unexpected happened that knocked us off the path we were going for. Mia ended up getting grounded so she couldn’t go out this weekend that we were planning to film. I was called into work by many call outs at her job which also messed with the filming. So that left only Jenna alone but she obviously couldn’t film alone. We talked it out and planned for a better day to film. We didn’t let this affect us in a negative way but looked at it as a way to plan and spend more time revising and organizing the video. While we waited for the day to film, the group looked at the story board to see if it made sense. We thought it was good so we moved on to the props. We made the prop list in one of the past blogs so the first thing we did was go look back at it. We had most of the materials needed but we just went to dollar tree to get the other stuff needed. The best thing we could do at this point was to just wait. The group asked Jenna if she needed anything else and if her mother was okay with us being at her house. She was completely fine with it as Jenna asked beforehand and her mom knows us. Jenna and I asked her parents if it would be possible for her t be let out the house to film. It took a little more convincing that we thought but it worked. Her parents said if it was for school purposes then I guess it was okay. So the filming hang out was confirmed and hopefully everything goes well! Bye guys!


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