Production blog: Running into some solvable issues

 Hello guys, welcome back to Zoe’s world. It feels like I haven’t been here in forever! As I completed the commercial, I moved on to the music video project. I have an amazing group that did their part on the past blogs like the story board. Now that the story we created is set and was discussed about, it would make sense to start filming. It’s still quite early to start filming I’d say but the earlier the better. However, we ran into a slight problem. My group and I wanted to film this week to have more time to fix, revise, and edit the video. This plan didn’t make it out the group chat due to outside lives. For example, I had work and to celebrate my little sisters birthday this week. Mia and Jenna were busy with important events they had to be at. Amaya had work all weekend meaning she wouldn’t have been able to come film with us. The group came into an agreement that we would try and make this week Friday or next week Tuesday a day to film our music video project. Amaya says she has work on Tuesday as well but she’s willing to call out to make this project possible. We said Friday because it’s basically the weekend and nothing much is really done on Friday. Tuesday seems like the winning option right off the bat because the county gave students a day off since the quarter of the year ends. Monday could’ve been an option except one of the members of the group is busy. What my group and I have to do is also wait for our parents permission. As 16-17 year olds, permission is still a big thing for students. After most likely getting permission, the music video will be filmed and that will leave us with the editing and revision to do. Hopefully the video comes out like my group planned it! Bye guys see you soon!

This is me working at my job!


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