Research and Planning Blog

                     This is the cover of the song’s album!

Hello, welcome back to Zoe’s world! Today will be all about my researching and planning. It will compose of a song, 3 videos and 3 pictures. The point of doing this is to make my very first commercial project which I am very excited for! This blog will take a deeper look into my life and myself. Like I mentioned in my last blog, I have many interests/hobbies including baking, going to the gym, cooking, reading, etc. However, one of my biggest passions being music. This takes us to what song I chose which was the instrumental version of the song Bless by The Alchemist. Personally, I love everything about this song. If I were to have a song playing in the background of my life, it would be this one. Moving on, now I have to pick some pictures for my project, obviously. My first picture would definitely have to be me in Colombia, my home country. I feel like a picture from there would represent me. A second picture I’d put is one of me and my group of my friends. They are one of the most important things in my life. They can bring me ups and downs but at the end of the day I would never change who they are. My third photo would be my one and only family. I also hold them very dear in my heart. I have many pictures of my family and I together so this should be good. Now the best part comes, the videos. One of my favorite things to do is take videos. A little confession I have is I like videos more than taking photos. Videos capture more memories that you can reply over and over again. The first video I’d choose would be a video of the beach since I mentioned my enjoyment in my last blog. The second video I’d choose would be a video of Colombias beautiful biodiversity. I go mostly every summer to visit family and I can say till this day that it never fails to amaze me. The third video I’d pick would be a silly video with my family to show a glimpse of a Colombian household with 3 children. Hopefully you guys enjoy my commercial in the future. See you later guys!


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