Production Blog; Ran into a problem

Hey welcome back to Zoe’s world! I ran into a little sort of major problem these past few days. This weekend I had a little argument with my mother and she decided to take my electronics. Usually, this is very rare. My mom either makes another punishment. A little confused on what brought her to do this considering I need my electronics for school and work. She said she would end up giving it back in a week or so. Thankfully my friend let me use her phone. She understood my issue because she also has strict parents. Knowing that we both have AICE Media really helped this inconvenience. Now, I’m all caught up and doing my assignments. At home, I use my sisters computer when I get the chance to. I have good progress on the commercial so far, I feel like everything fits in. From having videos with my family to my friends and music that I really enjoy, I think it’s good. If I didn’t get to pick my media, it would’ve been very different. Now to the editing parts, the app has gotten easier. I still haven’t mastered the technique of proper Capcut editing but there’s some improvements. For example, I know how to start a project now, add cuts, add music and filters. Now that I have a source of electronics that I can use, I can now have a better chance of finishing my commercial. Hopefully everything plays out in my favor. Bye guys, see you in a day!


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